Future narratives in organizations
Together with you, I develop strategic stories (stories) and narratives in order to structure information in the organization in such a way that it a.) Can be understood immediately by employees and customers, b.) Trigger emotions, c.) Create trust and d.) help initiate the right decisions.
While stories (narratives) often form smaller and self-contained units in order to initiate specific decision-making and orientation processes, narratives are a more open format for leading and rhythmic organizations at a higher level of complexity. Of the Purpose or the vision, for example, is part of the narrative architecture of a company, the story of the founding itself being a complete story.
A concise story and narrative architecture is essential for an organization in successful internal and external communication. At the end of the day, we all want something from other people. The clearer and more convincing the communication, the easier it is for us to get what we need.
Storytelling framework Heros Journey