I have seen and experienced a lot in half a century of travel - I like the idea of "life as being on the road". My curiosity and irrepressible thirst for adventure have led me time and again to places and situations that have deepened my understanding of the world and its people. Not always in a pleasant way. In the beginning, I failed much more often than I succeeded. And at a pace that would have been enough for 3 human lives. Besides a good portion of humility and humor, my thirst for discovery trained two skills in particular: Creativity & Resilience.
One skill is needed to find solutions outside the usual thinking paths, the other to be able to renew oneself in a constantly changing environment. Both capabilities have become scarce in many process-optimized companies today. This is not a problem as long as a) the environment remains stable and b) the complexity remains manageable.
My metaphorical backpack today contains a variety of experiences and encounters that I not only consider a great gift, I would also like to share this wealth with you. To inspire people and organizations to be bolder and more trusting on the road. To see constant change as a force and not a threat. So that together with other people in organizations we create meaning and give meaning. So that we joyfully take responsibility for the present and thus for our future.
That is what I burn for. Each. Individual. Day.
My expertise, skills and talents:
★ Narrative organizational consultant
★ Developer of future narratives
★ Expert in head cinema & gut feelings
★ AI & communication researcher
★ Systemic complexity manager
★ Narrative architect & story designer
★ Elephant whisperer
★ Metapoieticist
★ Filmmaker

Together with you, I develop strategic stories (stories) and narratives in order to structure information in the organization in such a way that it a) Can be understood immediately by employees and customers, b) Trigger emotions, c) Create trust and d) help initiate the right decisions.
In narrative organizational consulting and development, I work with you to activate and enhance the experience of employees. This knowledge is crucial in strategy and change processes in order to set the right course. Employees feel that they have been heard and valued and feel that they are part of a jointly developed solution.
Methods from neuroeconomics help us to understand how people make decisions and which processes on a neural and social level are involved in these decisions. Used correctly, this knowledge helps us to recognize resistance at an early stage and to lay the foundation for people to be able to make "correct" decisions.
Communication has different levels. On the cognitive information level, we announce what we want the other person to understand. At the same time, however, emotions and needs also resonate on a deeper level. Understanding what is communicated on the unconscious level is the great door opener in the deeper understanding of customers and employees.